Data Export

Backup Files

Your Marzneshin data is stored in the following directories:

  • /etc/opt/marzneshin/
  • /var/lib/marzneshin/
  • /var/lib/marznode/

Backup Files

Your Marzneshin data is stored in the following directories:

  • /etc/opt/marzneshin/
  • /var/lib/marzneshin/
  • /var/lib/marznode/
Important: The directory /var/lib/marzneshin/mysql should not be backed up. If you have mistakenly backed it up, make sure to delete it before proceeding.

Install Required Tools

To ensure the necessary tools are installed, run the following command:

docker exec -it marzneshin-db-1 bash -c "apt update && apt install -y mariadb-client"

Set Database Password

Define your database password using the following command:

export MARZDBPASS="pass"

Backup Database

Run the following command to create a backup of your database:

docker exec -i marzneshin-db-1 mariadb-dump -u root -p$MARZDBPASS marzneshin > /var/lib/marzneshin/marzneshin-$(date +%F).sql

The backup file will be saved in /var/lib/marzneshin with the current date.

Backup Files

Your Marzneshin data is stored in the following directories:

  • /etc/opt/marzneshin/
  • /var/lib/marzneshin/
  • /var/lib/marznode/
Important: The directory /var/lib/marzneshin/mysql should not be backed up. If you have mistakenly backed it up, make sure to delete it before proceeding.

Install Required Tools

To ensure the necessary tools are installed, run the following command:

docker exec -it marzneshin-db-1 bash -c "apt update && apt install -y mysql-client"

Set Database Password

Define your database password using the following command:

export MARZDBPASS="pass"

Backup Database

Run the following command to create a backup of your database:

docker exec -i marzneshin-db-1 mysqldump -u root -p$MARZDBPASS marzneshin > /var/lib/marzneshin/marzneshin-$(date +%F).sql

The backup file will be saved in /var/lib/marzneshin with the current date.